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Thursday, October 06, 2005
Joan Rivers View on Katie & Brit
Joan Rivers has branded Katie Holmes "talentless". The US comedienne said the screen beauty needs fiancé Tom Cruise to boost her career.

When quizzed about whether the couple's high-profile romance is real, Rivers said: "Each woman has done very well by Tom - Nicole Kidman and Penelope Cruz.

"Katie Holmes, who doesn't seem to have much talent, is probably the luckiest of all.I saw her in 'Batman Begins' and, let's just say, she better hang on to Tom for a while!" Rivers also blasted Britney Spears - calling her "white trash".

When asked what she thought of the pop babe, the 72-year-old told Britain's New magazine: "Who cares? She's white trash.The lower classes never intrigue me, not interested. Get educated!"

Joan added: "I have more respect for Joan Crawford, who learned to set a table, than I have for the ones who say, 'You come down to my level' "You've made your money, you've gotten your fame, now learn to live graciously"



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