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Friday, October 21, 2005
Alec & Kim: It's Gettin' Nasty
Actor Alec Baldwin is accusing his ex-wife Kim Basinger of "child snatching" in the latest round of their bitter custody dispute over daughter Ireland.

The court battle boiled over last month when Baldwin accused his former wife of violating an existing custody order when she allegedly refused to hand over Ireland for a scheduled visit by her dad.

The actor was so enraged he called the police and then filed legal papers calling for more custody privileges.

In the latest court papers, obtained by new celebrity scandal Web site, Baldwin recalls one evening when Sir Paul McCartney and his wife Heather invited the actor and his daughter to a concert in Los Angeles, but, as it wasn't his turn for custody, they couldn't attend.

Basinger has been fighting to keep details of the couple's latest spat under wraps, but Baldwin insisted the battle go public, declaring through his lawyer, "I look forward to resolving all this in court."

Baldwin and Basinger are due back in court on October 31.



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