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Thursday, September 01, 2005
Whiney Weds ... even tho' it's Thursday

I thought this was a great idea so I decided to copy it from Kristi who got it from Just a Girl.

My whine...

I know I'm an Administrative Manager but I'm certainly not a Secretary. They should ban that word 'secretary' since it's so 1950's. Anyways, for the past two days I've been in an off-site meeting with my co-workers who are all salespeople.

Yesterday we're all taking a break and we're hungry for a snack but we don't have anything in the conference room. Someone says "Why don't we get some candy or something" and everyone is in agreement. Then this older gentleman looks at me and says "You're the Admin Assistant - you go get it." I look up from my computer and said "I'm busy".

I felt like saying "Hey, you old fart, get off your flabby ass and get it yourself. I don't work for YOU - I report to the Vice President - if he wants candy I'll go get it. Shut the fuck up."

I just hate people who talk down to you - like I should be running around getting coffee and candy for everyone. Get it yourself. And ask me if I want something for once.


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