Cost of the War in Iraq
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Went for a drive today.... lovely Davis, CA to meet with someone from work to go over some work 'stuff'... I took these picture while driving...sometimes I feel like I live in the middle of no where...

Here's some pictures of palm trees for my boyfriend... when we first met he thought palm trees were everywhere in California and up until then I never really noticed... but they are everywhere!


Blogger *** said...

I swear, I always think about taking a picture of something when I don't have my camera. It's happened at least three or four times this week. Way to go! They should make a camera pouch on purses like they do for cell phones!

Blogger *** said...

Okay, I feel a special bond with you, so do tell. Is you boyfriend in "The War?" In reading your profile, you state your boyfriend lives far, far away and with your sidebar of the cost of the war, it leads me to believe he may be in action overseas? Please let me know if I'm being too personal , or feel free to email me directly. I'm not looking to offend!

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