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Monday, August 15, 2005
Our Own Celebrity: Chuck Yeager
For those of you who don't know, Chuck Yeager was the first man to break the sound barrier. This great man lives near me in the little town of Penn Valley, CA.


He surprised both himself and the judges with his two entries in the baked goods competition at the Nevada County Fair over the weekend. His butterscotch pie won first place in the "men's only" category, a win that surprised the Penn Valley man who became famous after breaking the sound barrier almost 60 years ago.

He had never entered a baking contest before but has been attending the fair since 1975."It was something to see how people react to something like a butterscotch pie," the retired Air Force general said. "People think of butterscotch as a candy, but it also makes an awful good pie."


Blogger *** said...

How cool! Now, where can I get my hands on this butterscotch pie recipe?

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