Monday, November 14, 2005

Gary Glitter on the Run

Pop paedophile GARY GLITTER has reportedly fled his villa in southern Vietnam after local police officials were tipped learned about his past convictions.

The disgraced glam rocker, who has been living at a beachside residence in Vung Tao with an underage girl, has already been banned from a popular local night spot for allegedly groping an 18-year-old barmaid.

The bar's owner ALAN DAVIS fumes, "At my bar he grabbed one of the girls and put his hand up her shorts. We don't want that sort here."

Vung Tao police official VU DUC TRUNG says, "If what we hear about his past convictions is correct, we will not allow him to stay. "If he is living with an underage girl, that is also an offence and he will not be allowed to stay if the girl is under 18."

(female first)